mercredi 25 décembre 2013

5 Tips on How to Clean Your Car From the Inside Out

Most of us are more concerned about the appearance of the cars inside. There is no doubt that we value our impeccable gloss color instead of a dust control panel . Let's face it , it's much easier to drive your car through a car wash, to take the time to clean the inside of the vehicle. With these simple tips, you can can keep both the outside to keep it as clean as a whistle and inside the car .

1) Clean the glass of your car or truck - this task is simple and fast. You can use any glass cleaner with a microfiber cloth for your windows and windshields . In order rather than preventing drop of cleaner on the surface of your car , tried spray directly onto the fabric , addressed to glass itself .

2) The carpet - this may require more specialized care . Over the years your carpet gets a lot of abuse , whether from water, dirt , drinks, snow , road salt , etc. This leads to stains and fading. The first step is to vacuum the loose dirt , small stones and other debris. You can found by units in service stations or car washes . If your carpet has not been cleaned in a while , it may be best to seek professional services. Your special equipment can handle tough stains and dirt embedded in it has accumulated over the years.

3) clean cloth or leather seats, cloth seats, if you have, you can use a spray-on cleaner and brush, or professional services to clean and dry the seats for you. Leather seats need more care . Never use harsh chemicals soaps and detergents in the leather seats , how to take your natural oils to keep it supple and soft and prevent cracking . It is also important to remember that never scrub with a brush or working hard on the leather seats - a soft cloth is the way to go . If you are unsure or have any questions about cleaning the leather seats , which is a good idea to stop by your local dealer and opinions.

4) Pay attention to the parts of vinyl and plastic inside - when choosing a product , make sure that the best clean vinyl and plastic, which is free to choose silicone . While silicone Your dashboard will be bright after it has been applied , in fact, it can react with vinyl and an acceleration of its decomposition in the sun.

5) Choosing to use a dealer for detailed cleaning you know your dealer of these products and ask what products are best suited for the interior surfaces of the car. If you are not interested in detailing the interior of your vehicle yourself , you can always your car to a dealership. Be sure to check their website and see if they offer any offers current services .

Otherwise , keep the indoor cleaning Years tough stains and dirt that you may not be able to perform to clean . Tustin Automotive Group in Orange County , California , you can use professional interior detailing to provide services at lower prices.

How to Clean Expensive Leather Car Seats?

Leather seats are a sign of luxury and also an indication that you are doing well in life. If you think about it , not many people can leather sofas at home, let alone pay a luxury item in their cars. Therefore, in order to maintain impressed with the interior of your car and keep your passengers need cleaning and care of leather seats correctly.

We do a lot in our cars, we probably should not do. We eat and drink in the car on the way between destinations and food and fluid : naturally occurring . We alos remaining packages in our car seats are inadvertent leakage of us . Passengers will be his people tracking dirt and leave behind the seats . One and abuse of car seats .

Fortunately , in order to clean the inside of the vehicle , you only need a small vacuum to lift the dirt from the surface . This is the first cleaning stage . In leather seats , you want the shiny leather and keep it supple and soft . You may be tempted to go with commercial kits leather cleaner , but some homemade solutions work equally well . Of course, with every cleaning leather want to perform a small patch test on an inconspicuous area first . This goes with all usual detergents and reading the label will tell .

To a solution of cleaning and conditioning leather homemade, using a mixture of linseed oil and vinegar . The ration is one part vinegar and two parts linseed oil. Clean and maintain their seats with a lint-free cloth and apply with small circular motions. After you are done, you can even on the application of sunscreen to prevent discoloration of the leather seats , think. You can always park in the shadows , but it is difficult to achieve when in a hurry .

Through your car to keep clean and pristine leather seats , you impress passengers come long .

How to Clean Car Leather Seats?

How to Clean Car Leather Seats?

Today we will try to give you an answer to your question : How to Clean Car Leather Seats?

So, How to Clean Car Leather Seats? First, you should purchase a good leather cleaner or something that is able to clean leather seats. You can usually find this at a department stores or car stores. If you buy a different product, you should follow the directions they give you on the bottle. Next, spray the seats with this cleaner.

Fortunately, to clean the inside of the car, all you need is a small vacuum to lift the dirt from the surface. This is the stage of the initial cleaning. For leather seats, you want the glow of leather and keep it supple and soft. We still without answer for : How to Clean Car Leather Seats?

How to Clean Car Leather Seats? You might be tempted to go with the commercial filter sets leather, but some homemade solutions work equally well. Of course involved with any leather cleaning to want to perform a small patch test on an inconspicuous area . This goes with all usual detergents and reading the label will tell. To a solution of cleaning and conditioning homemade leather, with a mixture of linseed oil and vinegar. The ration is one part vinegar and two parts linseed oil.

By doing this, you would only ask about two to three sprays. Be sure you clean the leather place by sections in order to get every part of the seat clean. You don't want to miss any spots! Then, dip a corner of a washcloth into water and rub onto the seat. How to Clean Car Leather Seats By doing this you will see the foam from the cleaner. You should let the foam soak in for a few minutes before doing anything else.

So How to Clean Car Leather Seats exactly?

Next, wipe the foam off with a dry washcloth or towel. Once you have done that, the section you cleaned should be sparkling clean! Repeat each step for the other sections of the car seat. If there is any trace of dirt or stains on your seat after cleaning, repeat until you are satisfied with the way it looks. One tip to keep in mind is that if your stains are deep in your leather; let the cleaner soak in for about seven minutes so it can pull out the stain. How to Clean Car Leather Seats.

Clean and maintain your seats with a lint-free cloth and apply with small circular movements. How to Clean Car Leather Seats After you are done, you can even on the application of sunscreen on the leather seats, think to prevent discoloration. You can always park in the shadow areas, but are hard to get when they are in a hurry.

We hope so that you found here the anwser to your question : How to Clean Car Leather Seats?

Video : How to Clean Car Leather Seats?

Keyword :

"How to Clean Car Leather Seats" "Car Leather Seats" "Leather Seats"

lundi 23 décembre 2013

Cleaning Car Seats Properly

Car seats are required to disappear from everyday use . You need to take good on the upholstery to make sure that they do not lose their luster quickly. There are several ways to clean a variety of car seats. It is an advantage to know all the methods so that you know how to deal with different types of materials.

Avoid cleaning process can cause unwise and harsh chemicals that discoloration or damage. Test substance to another area before using it . Cushion on your seat You need blush a soft padding to remove stains. However, use no pads or brushes with bristles made of crude steel . This cushion can graze and are not effective in removing stains. Clean your preferred seating for a warm day to ensure complete drying .

Start the process with upholstery cleaner with a brush attachment and at the top, so that it can reach even the smallest corners. Steam cleaners are effective , but you need a unit for professional carpet cleaning to rent .

You can use different solutions for stains that are trying to eliminate by soft drinks, paw and cosmetics. There are substances , upholstery cleaning and even ordinary shaving cream, which can be sprayed or applied with a sponge in the affected areas . If the brush is used carefully to avoid ruining the seat covers.

Mold is caused by rain and humidity, is another problem that car owners have to deal with it. You can remove a homemade solution this with a citrus cleaner or . The hydrogen peroxide solution is very effective. You can combine water and hydrogen peroxide in varying amounts depending on the severity of the stain .

Take the seats of your vehicle before cleaning. Leather sleeve , you must first suck, to remove dirt . Then the leather cleaner with a clean, dry sponge . Upholstery dry thoroughly with a soft cloth and apply system. Leather seats , to prevent the loss of the original color. Allow the seat for an hour or so before you dry again in the car. Make it a point to keep wipes in your car in case of accidental pollution , when you are traveling .

You need the car seats be cleaned regularly to keep the luster and beauty of the interior of your car . Do the same cleaning can save you money . Frequent maintenance will not only keep your car clean. Added value to the vehicle, if you want to sell the vehicle is given .

10 Reasons to Use a Steam Cleaner

First Steam cleaning is safe

The use of steam as the cleaning agent is safe , non-toxic alternative is actually more effective than chemicals. Clinical tests have proven common germs kill home quickly be effective steam cleaning (within 2 seconds) and more thoroughly than any chemical application. A steam system replaced , toxic, harmful , dangerous, expensive chemicals with pure , natural, effective , safe steam from line steam. Steam cleaning is rest .

Two . Steam cleaning improves the environment

Steam cleaning improves the environment by the invisible germs and bacteria from the surfaces and air in our homes. With a steam cleaner can not just stop that that really improve the pollution problem, your quality of life.

Vapors pure steam only with normal tap water. No chemicals of any kind are never used in your steamer. This is better , healthier and safer for you and the environment . You have never seen a government agency have the waste generated by the steam cleaner ask ... no waste ! Put all your stash of chemical contaminants cleaning again with a steam cleaner .

Three . No one is allergic to Steam

In fact, remove steam cleaners, not only chemical allergies, steam also kills germs, bacteria , mold and dust mites , which can cause other types of allergies.

Steam removes every trace of the chemical deposits on surfaces in your home and you will feel the difference ... in the form - feel squeaky clean soft feeling and also on your health. Disinfect as you clean, everything in its entire chemical and germ-free environment and enjoy better health .

April . Vapor steam Leaves no residue

Vapor steam leaves nothing back . There are no chemicals used , so that there is nothing to remove from the country. You should clean faster and better and leaves no residue or soap, unpolished , without stripping solvent. Disinfects , just clean , bright and shiny surfaces that make you proud of your efforts. Steam cleaning also removes the static properties of the dust particles have to move so that instead of just stirring up , will actually catch on your cloth and really get rid of them .

May Steam is always a safe way to clean any surface

No matter what you are cleaning , there is a safe way to clean steam clean the radiator. Steam cleaners have an adjustable steam flow , so you have a little or a lot , depending on the type of surface you are able to use with the cleaning . Turn it on full volume to de - grease the oven and turn it out until it is safe to clean a living plant . Has so much flexibility in a cleaning tool ever!

6th Water is the only consumable for cleaning with a steam cleaner

This provides only a steam cleaning system is water. Steam cleaners range from $ 400 to $ 4,000. An investment that will last up to 10 to 15 years with nothing more to buy , but the tap water . You will recoup your purchase price very quickly when you consider what you save on consumption of chemicals and cleaners , carpet and upholstery cleaning services, vehicle maintenance, window blind services , and dry cleaning . Thereafter, the steam cleaner will is free money! Now that's my kind of investment!

7th No side effects, steam cleaning , but benefits

To my knowledge , the steam is not connected , even from afar , on any type of birth defects , cancer and mental disorders ! Anyone can be a steam cleaner is safe and easy to use . It is very easy to use, easy to handle and to transport. Prolonged exposure to steam cleaning to produce a callus on her finger off the trigger , but that's the worst you can expect !

8th Steam does not help the planet pollute water, air and landfills

Conservation begins at home ... his house. Automatic cleaning of the planets and disinfect your entire home . Cleaning with a steam cleaner replaces the need of producing , packaging , shipping , use or disposal of all hazardous chemicals and expensive cleaning . The wave of the future , you believe it or not , in the detergent oldest of humanity ... Water.

9th Steam Cleaning offers a wide range of applications

The value of a steam cleaner to continue indefinitely . The diversity of the applications are endless ... with the exception of cleaning everything in your kitchen , bathrooms, etc. can defrost freezers, unclog drains, removing wallpaper , dissolve soap scum engines , car - fat, deodorize tennis shoes , sauna or facial ... let your imagination run wild. The first time you will be the steam cleaner , recognize the infinite value to use .

10th Steam cleaners are compact and space saving

It is likely that if you get rid of all your cleaning chemicals , the space under your sink to keep your steam cleaner . Finally, you have no chemicals down there take a seat! A steam cleaner and a good vacuum is everything you ever cleaned in the world.

dimanche 22 décembre 2013

Are You Over Polishing Your Car's Paint?

I have read a lot of topics on my forum lately that basically I start to wonder with people, "What paint should I use?" He could not stop thinking , how is the best way to avoid using a car hard enamel all together ?

I think it's time for another discussion all about car polish . What I strive to achieve the highest level of perfection is painting without altering the structure of the vehicle color . Once I'm there , I want the tools and techniques to use to keep my color perfect appearance.

If I had a problem of car paint , I would be able to fix without removing excessive clearcoat I have to maintain a deep look finish . I am a big supporter of local treatment . Rarely taking a compound to polish a plate of whole body , or worse, the whole car . It's just not necessary.

I have the distinct feeling from reading many threads on the forum , people buy products and step 1-2-3 with them, because that is what they feel is necessary to achieve the best results. In no way is this use of enamel paint proper car care .

Rule 1: do less damage than the damage that already exists.

My experience shows me that 95 % of problems with a fine paint polish, can be solved with the right tools and the right technology . So why is it that so many people are willing to come to a hard compound , as the first step ... when it should be the last resort ?

Very fine car polishes , often as a pre- wax cleaning, can be used to restore the shine without Scheuer , the color of your car to keep slim . Polished ( gloss enhancing ) effect is a combination of chemical cleaning agents that are embedded and about super soft glazes that eliminate stocks shine. The polishing material is about the consistency of talcum powder. My two favorite products are Class All -In -One and P21S Paint Cleansing Lotion . There are many others.

Rule 2: Do not remove the clear top coat as needed ... You may need days !

In the car detailing circles to talk all the gloss , depth and clarity , but you have to stop thinking about what I could do to each of these finishing touches features each time to take the color of a polish ? You could see brighter , but at the expense of depth and maybe even paint finish clarity .

Most professional car polishers are intended for use with a rotating buffer by an experienced technician . If you use this polish by hand or with a car dual action polisher , put scratches in the paint that does not come on line using the following Polish. So what is the solution ?

There is no doubt that the clear coat on the end of the modern car creates the beauty of the surface. For good looks , the clearcoat must remain clean and finely polished . Heavy Grinding reduced clarity and the final depth . Should be avoided.

Note that a proper finishing paint ( primer , colored and clear ) is only 6-8 mils thick (6 /1000) . Remove 1-2 mils on the surface of the clear is effected in a matter of seconds with a varnish .

My partner has a 3 inch long scratch in the clear coat of your new Lexus SC . Saco spot pad and paint correction , most scratches so it would pass the test of 5 feet. He said, " ... but it can still be a vestige of the Pike near ... " I explained that if I removed more material we risked thinning the clearcoat and creating a spot color that is no longer the remaining area corresponds .

Sometimes that's enough . The real professional auto detailing color learn to read and know what the outcome if a product is being used.

Rule 3: knowing exactly what tasks you were using products developed to perform.

Is developed with a paint that is used on a Automobilmontagelinievon a technical point 4 inches with a pillow in a pneumatic polishing machine to remove 2400 sanding track ? If so , what are the specifications applicable time pad , speed and polishing sandpaper to remove its 5000 equivalent brands?

Are you originally developed with a mixture connection painter panel to cut and mix the fresh color, with a wool pad as a general purpose cutting compound ? If so, you can make your foam pad cut enough heat to effectively create your DA to break the abrasive Lackscheuerverhindern ?

The fact is that very few abrasive polishing systems have been developed from scratch to be a DA polishing system . Very few have problems correctly found that "general purpose" polished with polishing discs and the correct instructions to create a system.

Again, I repeat buyer protection. All enamels are cutting abrasive particles with different characteristics. Abrasives have different size, shape and hardness . Some particles are designed for small , below as finer abrasive is applied enamel . Others are adapted to continuously be cut with the same speed.


Most new car models properly ( corrective ) polishes are conducted without abrasives. This requires smart paint care , including regular washing and waxing , washing and proper use of tools wax ( washing gloves , applicators , towels, etc. ) and carefully parking . Finish Damage Prevention is the best way to get a perfect surface. Nothing gets a paint job faster than a bad wash mitt or dry wipes vertebrae.

If you park away from soccer moms and shopping carts and wash your car with the right tools can keep the surface free of surface damage light for a long time. If your color does not remain clouded , the problem in place by hand or with a cushion point can be treated with a polish correction.

One approach to this problem is the "cover " - to use the products. Many car wax products can be layered to cover minor damage to the surface. My favorite combination is the All -In -One class, followed by P21S carnauba wax. Others swear by the system of Zaino Show Car Polish ( Z-2 , Z -5 and others).

I offer the following tips for proper long-term paint on new cars and trucks :

With a quality car wash , wash mitt and drying towels weekly wash ( possible).
Deep clean paint twice a year detailing clay .
Polish paint 3-4 times a year with a pre - wax, polish nonabrasive .
Seal paint 3-4 times a year , finished with a high quality lacquer .
Protect. His paintings from damage by other drivers and pedestrians
These five simple steps will make your car look good, without serious connections for corrective action to use that.

samedi 21 décembre 2013

Car Wash Parts and Modern Equipments

If you have a well maintained car should be washed at least once a week to keep your bright and shiny appearance . Nobody would be able to get your car should take to the center of washing every week for a series of car washes stay home. The computer can be very simple tools that are easy , versatile and easy to store.

For example, if you have to be a washcloth a small washes. One can easily slip hand is required by this and soap or detergent and water , the car can give a thorough wash. When the vehicle is a large truck as deposits on the surface would be difficult , and a washing brush or tool would be required. The brush should be soft bristles so hard bristles can leave scratches on the painted surface of the vehicle.

Brush sizes and types vary depending on the part of the vehicle which requires cleaning. For example, you can use a bug and tar , along with a soft brush. It would provide the best results without scratching the paint . But always remember that all car washes are not one hundred percent effective when used correctly .

But for the pump self service car wash cleaning equipment is more effective than votes . Other useful equipment includes hose clamps , piston pumps , surface cleaners , compressors , vacuum cleaner, claws and fists , steam and cold water mixing units , etc.

The choice of polish and wax is needed for the perfect finish of the car. Car Wash regularly to do, but the polishing once in six months or a year of frequent polishing is recommended that exterior paint can damage completely . Cera is a soft nature and has the conditions to give the car a great shine , small dents in the paint left by regular use to fill . Should polish with a buffer to remove stubborn stains and opaque surfaces are guided on the surface of the painting. The wax adds shine and long-lasting shine to the car.

These two teams car wash are not difficult to acquire . Earlier people used to admire the look of the car and Langzeitbelichtungenzu , as good. Now, with the introduction and mass production of car owners quality wax can you enjoy the luxury of a car with gas at an affordable price .

Correct Car Wash Method

If you wash your car is important that the things in the right way and the right order to avoid possible damage inflicted to avoid , and also ensure that all areas thoroughly cleaned and done that nothing happens high or to lose . If you wash your car regularly, you can already have your own routine that works for you needs and your vehicle , and that's fine , as long as the result is satisfactory , and most importantly , is that nothing affected during the routine .

It is very easy to fall into, and adopt bad habits that unwittingly damaging your car might in any way impair or reached the level of results . It's worth checking your routine car wash from time to time to see if something changed and improved, in order to improve your experience by increasing efficiency and improve or refine the final result.

For starters , before it somewhere near your car, it makes sense to all products and equipment that you need and ready for use . Hoses and pressure washers must be connected to the water supply and sufficiently enlightened to a sufficient length, to comfortably reach your vehicle . Wash tub full of shampoo and guards must have used grain should washing / Trockentücherin near the hand held , along with other cleaning products , such as wheel cleaner and Allzweckreinigungsbürstenund detailing that can satisfy should be necessary.

These items can add up quickly , so it is advisable to something that you can use to carry and keep in a clean and safe while you are washing to get. There are many of these items available, ranging from bags and caddies that can fix their buckets detailing designated , bags simple soft material tools that can be easily converted into a "pocket detailing ' . Finally, before washing your car on a appropriate place. This may mean moving from the street to a street , sidewalk a bit , to give a little more room to work on the way , if you have a driveway, or cool shady area when the sun is shining strongly .

The first stage of the car wash should always be to clean the wheels and the wheel arches / wells. That's because they tend to be the dirtiest and polluted part of a car and often require some heavy products to properly clean. This , after the body and the color can be easily washed again contaminate the surface clean with a product via dirt and water .

The wheels can often take some time to thoroughly clean , especially if they are particularly dirty or have a detailed design , and so it makes sense , they pay attention earlier in the process to these lower parts . It is also advisable to have a separate sink and washing utensils wheels and wheel arches / use well and do not use these items to clean the other parts of the car , especially the painting, since with the dirt and grit that can cause damage too dirty easily .

After the wheels and arches / wells have been cleaned , then you can pre go / rinse the car with a suitable product such as a film remover on the market or a product type foam snow, with both loose dirt and pollutants as possible before you Contact washing. With a pump bottle or a hose or pressure washer with a right accessories , you should generously enjoy at least the lower third of the vehicle , ideally the entire vehicle , if possible, until the dirt and smooths starts visible soil surface before rinsing with a pressure washer or hose to . raise Pre detergent should be applied to a car in dry but cold as they can better adhere to the surface and effectively than if applied to a damp surface pull the dirt and impurities.

Once both loose dirt and impurities are removed from the lower regions and the entire car was given a thorough rinsing before , then you can start washing real contact . Using the method of two buckets , must start at the top , cleaning a section at a time , and work in a methodical manner . Roofs, windows and columns should , before they are washed on the hood and trunk. After these areas best washed that you should move to the sides of the vehicle clean only the top half of the doors, fenders and bumpers. The font and rear upper halves before they are finally washed on the indication of the low areas of the car. If the lower washing areas , we recommend implementing a separate washing to avoid that used in the upper regions of the body may be contaminated with dirt and dust, and you should be aware that , just to stick to floor surfaces and not too far away from the body wash and hat areas already .

After all areas have been washed , then you can rinse the car with a hose or pressure washer . Again, you must start at the top and work your way methodically to the lower regions including the identity of the wheels and arches / wells a final rinse to ensure that all shampoo foam and dirt are removed . It should be noted that if you are working in the heat, wash , rinse one section at a time to avoid in the wash solution , in order to dry the surface causing unsightly lines , then after the last plate was completed , the entire vehicle must be given to complete rinsing the car off is guaranteed to be wet before drying.

After the clean pre- washing and rinsing , then you need your car to dry properly with a microfiber cloth High quality instead of a chamois to prevent damage and be inflicted grinding marks . A lubricant drying aid / spray can easily to his towel and drying are applied to the wet surface of the vehicle, to avoid to improve the processing and water spots if desired. Again, should as with the other parts of the car washing process , drying from top to bottom , one section at a time , which are in a methodical way to all sectors will be pursued to ensure covered , tumble dryer , only the lower parts of the car at the end.

Once all areas are completely dried washing the car is finished, and your vehicle is ready for further purification and Detailprozessewie polishing and protection , or simply , that are left , if it's just a wash regular maintenance. If you follow this whole process with the right equipment and the right products , then you should be able to get excellent quality of the results in the most efficient manner , without causing damage to your car.

vendredi 20 décembre 2013

Give Waterless Car Washing a Chance

Who would have ever thought of cleaning your car and a high level of attractiveness can without the use of water may think. As we all wash our cars in the traditional manner with the ancient techniques employed in our driveway, the average amount of water used is about 100 liters per vehicle .

Considering car use , independent of the average washer 60 liters of water . That's a lot of waste water contaminated by drainage, sewers and the environment . A process . Reality against some of the Bylaws in Toronto, while the waterless car detailing used only between 2-6 ounces of our solution without water and contaminated runoff drains At the same time , which helps the brightness of the vehicle instead of the color strip slowly passing water wash .

Discover the new way of making cars with the respect they deserve for treating a large amount of water , time and money . Treatment without water is as effective as taking more than the dirt with their application process soft hand .

Protects the vehicle with a barrier , the polymer makes the surface harder to make dirty water bans and protects the surface of the sun. Add to waterless car cleaning also another level of comfort for the products used in this method are based on polymers used without pre- wetting of the surface and because very small amount of water , then the cleaning of cars could simply if your in the office or at home.

More automotive detailing companies are now using this method for all types of vehicles, the promotion of " smart" water products that are now on the market . Most polymer products are very safe for the vehicle and the environment.

Use the torque method to wash your car with these products. Some products are ready to use in a spray bottle and just spray it on , wipe the body with a clean, dry Mikrofasertuchund . The other method involves taking a concentrate and mixed in a small bucket of water , usually a few cap full of product one liter of water.

Use the Mikrofasertuchund immersed in the mixed solution . Squeeze the towel to remove excess will in nature . Then just use wet towel to the vehicle panel by panel cleaning, while immersing regulate the towel in the solution of nature .

This will free towel dirt, while still having a small amount of water.

Waterless Car Wash helps the practical way to achieve a clean car . Customers who have tried probably agree that no water is far superior to the old way of washing the car with water, to smile a clean car and a healthy environment can give everyone a reason.

All car owners out there ... give you the opportunity without water.

New Waterless Car Washing and Detailing Solution

Not long ago the hose, water, soap , Ajax, Windex and SOS pads were
tools for our car wash and detailing needs . The cleaning process
our car was quite drawn affair.

Today, many people are simply
driving through a local car wash and boom your done. Recently, a waterless
Process of washing and car detailing said.

And still sometimes tempted to do the work and see increases
toys to do the job . When I told him about a product without water
of course my attention. I made ​​arrangements to find a product
in action. A few days later I got in the car and I met my friend for lunch .

The friend who brought called and told me about this process
a person who has demonstrated to me and answered my questions . I have not used
my toys and treats normal since.

I have also discovered that this new procedure is
lower than the unit via the vehicle easy for us and I look absolutely
and surprisingly great!

My son bought me a small hand and mop occasionally dust the car
from . Honestly, it keeps my car a nice and clean look. As a senior , I have quite
much , so I thought I'd seen everything , but again , I learned something new
on car washing and detailing .

jeudi 19 décembre 2013

Advanced Technologies in Steam Car Wash

The car wash is one of the essential tasks that any car owner should be performed at regular intervals. However, the cars, especially those who are exposed to the elements every day, you accumulate a lot of dust, mud , insects , tree sap and dirt. The cleaning of such hard deposits usually requires much time and effort and commercial cleaning agents .

For this reason, most car owners will be looking for the cheapest option for clean cars . They call expert mobile car - cleaning . This professional cleaning washers use advanced steam cars to simplify the tasks and detailing vehicles offer superior cleaning results .

The ultimate car cleaning technologies

To stay ahead of the competition and ensure customer satisfaction , professional clean cars get the best steam car wash machine Designed to hold different types of cars , 4x4, boats , trucks and buses . Vehicle based steam cleaners Get in touch with the leading brands also ensures durability, reliability , efficiency, user safety and low maintenance problems. By improving the cleaning performance and reduces the time needed to keep cars , steam car washes this increase user productivity and thus more profit.

The perfect combination of features

In addition to the steam car wash , brand names have been specially designed for car washes with washing machine high quality rugs and green chemicals . Steam cleaner -based performance are the most popular machines in this series . These machines are required at low flow rates, high pressure and high temperatures to achieve excellent cleaning results of the car.

The high Dampftemperaturenbei the resolution of the toughest deposits of grease, dirt and grease on the outside of the vehicle unmatched. Although tough on stains and dirt , steam gently on surfaces . For this reason, the vapor is ideal for use on glass, windshield , tires, wheels , and car engines. Best washing machines moving cars produce steam at temperatures up to 250 ° F to tree sap , accumulation of dirt and grease stuck in vehicles efficiently solve .

High pressure equipment wash auto detailing contribute to the dissolved dirt with steam. However, it is important that the pressure level of a portable steam cleaner neither too low nor too high. While steam car wash moving low pressure to effectively clean dirt , the damage with extremely high car paint or damaging the surface. For best results , choose machines mobile car - cleaning with pressure levels of 1500 psi.

Best automatic cleaning systems come with low flow rates . This offers a lot of benefits. First, the cleanest portable steam machines with low flow rates keep water consumption to a minimum. It also makes steam cleaner ideal for maintaining the delicate, such as automotive components car. Cars professionals recommend choosing clean Dampfdruckreinigermit gpm low flow rates of 0.5.

Train - car - cleaning professionals to continue the vehicles for a long time , some of the latest auto detailing equipment with large water tanks for storage of up to 300 liters of water to keep them coming . These versatile machines are also great for a variety of other applications, such as melting snow accumulation of vehicles.

Go Green With Eco Friendly Car Washing

Many people feel a little better if your car is clean , and no matter what you drive or what state , there is a certain satisfaction when your car shine. But did you know there are environmental considerations you need to wash before going out the car did think? If you have been thinking about the environmental impact of the car and keep it clean , you will notice that there are several things you can consider to go green .

The first thing you should understand is that the cheap green way to get your car will sparkle again go directly to your local car wash. A professional car wash is strictly dependent on the government , which leaks out of the water to ensure that no water in the local ecosystem and instead come to a place where it is processed and recycled regulated. In fact, some recycling going on site and you will find that if you wash your car in a local utility cars you will find that you wash the car recently recycled water from the last person who washed their cars !

There are many things that are not environmentally friendly, if your car in the garage washing done on your own . First, you will see more water than a car wash would . This could be a bit of a surprise to you , but the truth is that even someone who has been around a bit careful with the hose is to use about 150 liters of water when the car is washed , and that is that if you want something do you leave the hose running while you pass a particularly stubborn area. At a car wash , you will use about one-third of this amount of water , simply because it is an automatic closure.

It is also important to think about the cleaning agents that could use you if you are looking to rethink the car in a manner respectful of the environment to wash . For example, you will find that if you just wash the car and rinse water to flow into storm drains . From drains cleaners are easy to find their way into rivers and streams in the area, and the aggressiveness of the cleaning products , the animals who live there , is quickly damaged. If absolutely necessary to wash your car at home , remember to look for soaps or detergents .

One of the reasons often rather be at home rather than head to a car wash is the people clean that often find them to do only a small spot cleaning or just need to clean a car part . If you are in this situation , take a look at some of the waterless cleaning products that are geared to the market, to the purpose.

There are many ways to keep your car clean while you help your part to protect the environment , start thinking about your options if you are looking to ensure that you have everything you can do think !

mercredi 18 décembre 2013

Car Steam Cleaner

If you are looking for a steam cleaner carpet of good quality, you should know that the cleaner ideal that suits your carpet. Since no steam cleaners Carpet , has good , but not up to your home. You must realize that you have used carpet and carpet cleaner is able to clean your carpet perfectly. There are carpet cleaner that can be rented or purchased .

There are things you need to know to get a steam cleaner carpet perfect . First, check the rotating brushes clean , because this is the part of the vacuum cleaner , which took place on dust and dirt from the carpet. Second, make sure that if there are two separate tanks , one for dirty water and hot water.

Third, check the tools and attachments. And finally , the cleaner has a built-in water heater . If you find a gadget with these four characteristics, it is good to know that your steam cleaner is at home.

Home Carpet Steam Cleaner helps in cleaning your carpets at home parents today . The cleaners can clean carpets thoroughly and efficiently to save even more time .

The apparatus cleaning solution is applied on the carpet during the cleaning process and allows rotating brush to clean the area . The steam then hot water, wash the carpet and dirty water flow directly into the tank, which is mounted on the device.

The gadget can be less time to thoroughly clean the carpet. It may removed to prevent harmful fungi , causing dust mites that cause allergies , do not use chemicals such as cleaning solutions, and is an easy to use. It is easy to use and lets you clean your carpet without the help of experts.

For budgetary parents, often you need to clean the carpets and have a proper maintenance at least once a year .

Using Steam Cleaner for Car Interior Cleaning

Updated with new technology in a steam cleaner , car salons can now be cleaned and sanitized quickly and efficiently without chemicals .

Cleaning the interior of the car includes the following:


Dashboard car can be a triangular brush with microfiber cleaning cut . Simply steam injection and start cleaning the dashboard . Another option is to simply launch or steam jet and standard cleaning cloth to clean . And because the steam does not use chemicals that will leave no residue on the dashboard , console, or stirring wheel . Damage electric steam cleaning or ventilation either because the steam is very low humidity.


The same goes for cleaning the dashboard , you can either steam lance and standard cleaning cloth or the triangular brush with microfiber. This method cleans and removes dirt , debris or fog on the window without using chemicals.

Door panels

Indeed the triangular brush with clipped microfibre at a low setting , door panels clean . Only the tool vertically along the plate . Steam cleaning is extremely safe and mild to the door panel for cleaning .

Car Seats

Also with the help of the triangular brush with microfiber, the tool vertically and horizontally in a car seat . Steam cleaner safely remove dirt , stains , dirt and allergens from the seats of cars. This method works in leather , imitation leather and fabric very easily . You can also use the steam wand to blow dirt that has accumulated in the cracks of the seats and then wipe with a cleaning cloth. Since low moisture vapor , dries quickly .


Car mats often take a long time to clean and require drying time, but with steam cleaners , carpet cleaning can now be easily and efficiently clean .

For a deep cleaning of carpets car areas , just use the triangular brush steam cleaner . This method allows you to steam and brush to remove dirt and carpets dirt on them . It just goes to restore the carpet almost dry .

Another option is the carpet extractor . With the upholstery nozzle , this system allows the injection of steam (water or chemical ) on the carpet and then extracted completely while removing dirt , stubborn stains and odors on the carpet to dry , clean and disinfected .

Car Detailing

Steam cleaners are the perfect tool for Automobiles . Use the attached pipe steam clean with an awl or a small brush jams and moldings - nozzle door. The cleaning also clean and remove stains steam and dirt in the cup holder , console and even a swift pass away in ventilation allergens effectively.

Steam cleaner has a variety of technologies to produce better and more efficient Autoreinigungsergebnissezu . Accelerate again with steam cleaner , car interior cleaning making it sanitized , fresh and new.

mardi 17 décembre 2013

How to Clean Interior of Car?

How to Clean Interior of Car

How to Clean Interior of Car is our question today, cleaning automobile interior is a must-do activeness for every car owner. Some car possessors probably only pay attention to the outside design of their vehicle; in fact, present beauty on the inside part is also important. Clean interior makes your auto looks great and it is also good for your health. Another benefit of cleaning car inside regularly is that it will add value to your automobile. With proper care, a car interior will be able to present the new appear all the time. So, How to Clean Interior of Car?

A lot of folks are calling for us, how to clean interor of car ?
That's how come we try to reply to your question, the BIG interrogative sentence : How to Clean Interior of Car?

If you love your automobile, you will caution how clean your automobile is, and the question : How to Clean Interior of Car, will be necessitated. Cleaning the exterior of your auto is easy business, you can just do it in one blink of an eye or can you not? 

Yet the information is cleaning automobile interior is one of the best way to keep the car in phenomenal condition. Cleaning the inside of a car cannot be done in a blink of an eye, it is not a matter of sponge bathing the invests, the dashboard, and the auto carpets, and then that is it. Before going to ask : How to Clean Interior of Car? You have to do what is known as particularisation the interior of your car.

And so, How to Clean Interior of Car quickly?

Do not eat on or drink in your car - If you can at all avoid eating on and drinking in your car. You will be amazed at how those little particles of food and drink splashes seem to add up making a real mess. This is particularly true of children; I know that my kids can make a actual mess of the car if I allow them to consume in it.

Finaly, now if someone asks you : How to Clean Interior of Car? You know the answer ;)

How to Clean Interior of Car , Question and Answer.

How to Clean a Car Dashboard

You have the outside of the car, cleaned before , so now is the time to clean the interior. The best part is to start with the dashboard like that . Dusty interior of your vehicle part Follow in the car below for instructions on cleaning the dashboard. You will be satisfied when you're done!

Start by vacuuming the dashboard as you would your mats in car. Vacuum cleaner View to work great for this. So look closely to see the board and whether debris was collected. If there is still some dust , use a toothbrush , a soft cloth or a cotton swab to one of the extra dirt that is in circulation to remove . Then you should dash from one side and the other with a damp cotton cloth or a tissue, the available clean obvious.

Contaminants that may occur in the instrument panel , an internal automatic cleaner to completely remove the stain . Be sure to follow the instructions of the Autoinnenreinigerfür a good cleaning . Then the dashboard with a dry, lint-free cloth should be. If your car is exposed to too much sunlight a lot of dust and dirt , apply a protective layer on the board to ensure that it remains clean.

While cleaning a tip to keep in mind is to avoid any interior cleaner with alcohol or other abrasives. Once you have completed the above steps dashboard should be bright , clean and in good condition!

If you own a car , there are so many different parts that need to be checked and maintained over time . We often have a maintenance program for the parts under the hood, but the parts in the car where you spend the most time are neglected. So we sleep little effort into maintaining the space in which children where the dog relaxes and hangs out of the window , where jokes and shared memories .

There are several areas that clean your carpets, seat covers and dashboard must be held . With the purchase of a used vehicle dashboard break can make or the sale will be the highest priority of maintenance by their new used car is not so young.

The Control Panel contains the console with a radio, and without them would not be able to tell how fast you were in, or if you get enough gas where you had to go. As the section holds multiple gauges , navigation devices and even memory , your dashboard has great relevance to modern life.

If you want to keep your board clean Here are some tips :

First Spills as they occur .

Two . Do not use cleaners with Scotchgard protection.

Three . Place a car hood every time you leave your car parked in direct sunlight car.

Drivers have a variety of cleaning the dashboard. With all the car - cleaning products available these days can be very confusing for a newbie or veteran team owner. Reading labels can be a long and frustrating process . If the terms "Interior Detailer ", " protector of the natural shine ", " protector of the highest brightness " or " restorative script " you should be able to find the right product, you need to find to get the instrument panel the best.

The highest brightness protection does what the name implies , so a gloss or satin finish, while the natural splendor provides a matte finish . The glossy surface cleans and protects while adding a new sense of self in your vehicle. However, cleans the natural shine and protects , but does not attract or produce dust on the surface of the instrument panel and no glare .

Importantly, although these products are to be used for general maintenance of motorists still recommended to use a sun visor car, no matter what they drive. Although some products for Car Care provide lasting UV protection for the panel of general protection and prevention offers a sunshade on the windshield inside for all can not be ignored .

How To Clean Your Car's Interior?

Interior car cleaning is to avoid a fairly simple task , but most people , this task because they are too long. A car cleaning with cleaner air conditioner can be time consuming, but if you do for your car is really going to find the time. The interior of a car is harder to clean than the outside. Outside you can just spray the car with water and then polish the body. The interior however has a lot of different parts , so it takes longer to complete . Even if you know the basics of auto cleaning , you can still learn. Here are some tips to help you clean the inside of your car clean with a cleaner car air conditioning and leather.

What you need to know

Before you begin , you must obtain all the necessary tools to perform the task. Most of the tools are to be found very simple and easily at home . You will need a vacuum cleaner, garden hose , paper towels and rags. Use clean leather car seats to shine . For the dashboard , you can use paint after scrubbing the floor.

Start cleaning

Start the cleaning process by draining the vehicle and take all your stuff. You can also take the floor mats , wash thoroughly and after you are done cleaning , you can make copies. It is used to clean the vacuum, the cabin floor . You can give a deep carpets cleaned the car with a special cleaning machine carpets. Thus, the dust particles out of the carpet and give it a new look. Remember to use special filter for conditioning air conditioning air conditioning.


For sensitive parts of the car such as the dashboard and center console , you can use a soft brush and a vacuum cleaner. But you use a vacuum with no care the essential components of car damage . Go easy on the seats and should not scratch with your vacuum . Leather car clean should be carried out smoothly , so that the seats should be kept in top condition .

Windows and Dashboard

Now is the time to clean the dashboard and the window. Glass cleaner on the windows and the script Spray . Use this cloth to wipe the window and dashboard, trying to get rid of all the dirt . Clean windows from the inside with a paper towel to avoid leaving marks or scratches .

lundi 16 décembre 2013

Ten Waterless Car Washing Techniques That Work

o Wash your way from the top of the vehicle down . The lower body panels are usually the dirty and should be cleaned last .

Clean or panel at a time. Roof, windows, hood, trunk , upper door panels, lower door panels and bumpers : I like to clean follows.

o Make sure you wet microfiber cloth before the panel in which you work , spray, then . Wet on wet contact helps to ensure efficient cleaning process .

Clean and lift or microfiber towel on your first pass through a panel . Repeat a second time with a little more pressure to help draw residual impurities .

Economical or in Windows. This is especially true if your product without water contains wax, which can lead to blemishes.

o If you are on a plot of land to a product to use first with a spray test on an inconspicuous area , are .

Use or preferably on a cool surface in the shade.

Avoid using or below freezing temperatures , many of these products are water based and will freeze on contact.

o If your car is dirty (mud, very crusted salt, etc. ) , simply take it to a local self-service car wash and pressure wash it first to remove heavy debris first . Products wash water that they " do it all " claim that I approached with skepticism.

o Note: if it is windy outside. They can be sprayed on the surface closer to the vehicle. Otherwise, you may lose a large part of the solution .

We hope that the next time a car wash without water do to find these helpful tips.

For a more comprehensive these practices (including teaching and instructional videos ) to book , please visit eco touch? waterless car wash .

James is a Ecopreneur Dudra of Portsmouth , New Hampshire. He is the co-founder of Eco Touch, which sells a complete line of waterless car wash and detailing products.

The 5 Myths of Waterless Car Washing

Myth # 1: A waterless car wash color will scratch my car.

Avoid reduces scratches and damage to the technical and common sense .

First, make sure that you have quality microfiber cloths . My personal preference is to use towels with a minimum weight of 300 GSM (grams per square meter) . Either look on the label or ask the manufacturer for the weight of the towels.

Then , if the formula without water washing the surface of the vehicle is cleaned to collect using light strokes against dirt. No need , on the surface of the car vigorously rub the formula . I usually take the approach of "clear and lift " so that no impurities drag on the surface of the vehicle.

Finally , use common sense . When a surface of mud or sand , you obviously have a Pre - rinse . Many people argue that a pre-rinse defeats " waterless " the purpose of a car wash. Not in my opinion. For each method, the car wash , either without water or rinseless a hose and a bucket ... must somehow eliminate these pollutants heavy before cleaning the car. Otherwise definitely have problems.

Myth # 2: Not really, " waterless " to clean microfiber towels in the water, you have.

To solve this myth , we must first clarify what it means " without water " . When people hear the term automatically think it means absolutely no use of water. While this would be good, is not realistic. In my personal opinion , is that much less water than others to use for the consumer methods. What are these methods? See Myth No. 5.

So yes, you have to clean microfiber towels. The towels can just leave , be washed by soaking in a 1 -liter bucket of hot water with a little detergent. If you plenty of towels , save all and do a complete cleaning load versus individually. It is also made ​​of the error that the towels are thrown away after use. That's not true . The average microfiber cloth may be washed and reused up to 50 times . Considering that the average person clean their cars more than two weeks will take about two years before the disposal of the towels .

If you really want to be " waterless " , then maybe you should not clean the car . But for most of us , we want our cars nicely in the future and increase their longevity a waterless car wash is a good option .

Myth # 3: A quick detailing product and waterless car wash product are exactly the same .

I can not speak for all brands at this point , but will do my best to address this myth . Usually waterless car wash products are faster than cleaning power retailers. Products waterless car wash combines surfactants , lubricants and pH builders break surface dirt more effectively to help. Quick detailers on the other hand are primarily for instant / gloss car paint used luster and not specifically designed for cleaning.

Myth # 4: All waterless car wash products are the same.

Not at all. In fact, there are many differences between there waterless car wash . Here are some questions to ask about the wide variety of products can be found at :

or water or petroleum distillate based formula ?

or full disclosure of ingredients on the packaging and the number of CAS on MSDS ?

o formula containing preservatives ( such as silicone emulsion , carnauba wax, Teflon, PEG , etc.)

o Is there isopropyl alcohol used in the formula ?

o Are spray bottles and 100% recyclable ?

o formula will be used both in the paint and windows?

o If the product is a white label ?

o the product in the U.S. is produced?

o Are there any fragrances or dyes ? Are they synthetic or natural ?

or aerosol or pump sprayer ?

If you need help answering the above questions, shoot me an e- mail jdudra [ at] ecotouch [dot ] net and I'll do my best to answer.

Myth # 5 : A product of the waterless car wash does not help the environment .

The best method of analysis is to compare waterless washing the other options available on the market for consumers.

Environmental impacts of the method:

- Hose and washtub

- Production and transportation of chemicals -> distributor -> Store - > Consumers

- 80 to 140 liters of water per wash ( data from the International Car Wash Association)

- Discharge of foam, brake dust and oil from cars on the environment

- Cost of waste water and energy

- Removal of packaging

- Commercial car wash

- Production and transportation of chemicals -> distributor -> car wash

- Remove the packaging ( drums)

- 45 liters of water per wash

- The to operate the equipment and restore water energy

- Festeinschlagstellenauf Earth

- Waterless Car Wash

- Production and transportation of chemicals -> distributor -> Store - > Consumers

- 6.4 ounces of formula waterless car wash by car used

- Removal of packaging

Comparison of the three most common methods available to consumers today waterless car wash has the least environmental impact. Save water , energy and chemicals only worsens as you think about the millions of cars that are washed daily.

James is a Ecopreneur Dudra of Portsmouth , New Hampshire. He is the co-founder of Eco Touch, which sells a complete line of waterless car wash and detailing products.

dimanche 15 décembre 2013

Three Tips to Run a Car Wash Business

The car wash business is a safe business perspective , since profits regularly. It is an industry that millionaires like dabble in. However, people who are looking for safe investments and are willing to work hard , the opportunity to do something meaningful offers .

As with any other business, even the car wash business has its own tricks. In short, it is a safe profit sector . But that does not mean that one company is set up and benefits will automatically follow . No company always ensures that.

The following are some tips on how to run a business washing cars and profitable career :

Tip 1: Right to invest in cleaning machines

Cleaning machines are the first priority of the investor. It has no meaning or purpose of the extravagant spending to buy so-called best machines . On the other hand , would be fatal to buy the best equipment. You need a bit of housework before they make the purchase decision .

The problem with automatic detailing is that it requires the use of a plurality of cleaning machines. A car consists of different types of surfaces , each with different degrees of hardness. The outer body and engine parts are heavy and sturdy , glass windshield are evident, and fabric seat covers and carpets are soft .

One machine can not be used to clean all these types of surfaces. As a result, business will carwash requires much various types of machinery , pressure washer to clean hard surfaces and carpet cleaning soft surfaces that are clean. Steam cleaners also do a good job of cleaning hard surfaces.

Tip 2 : Focus on fast delivery

One of the secrets to the success of a business is auto detailing fast delivery vehicles . In this busy world , the owners want their vehicles as fast as possible . The average time in this business now, can within a few hours. So , how can you ensure that the cleaning quickly ?

The use of mobile wash tunnels help to correct . You should use carpet cleaner equipped with technology and cleaner flow under high pressure at low flow. With steam cleaner with dry steam outlet is another good option .

In short, make sure all machines auto detailing to the smaller amount of water to the surfaces of the vehicle. While doing this , make sure that it is. Never compromise on speed or efficiency of mobile car wash machine

Tip 3 : Use green chemicals

A good cleaner improves the cleaning power and speed of most machines Automobiles . However, synthetic detergents harm than good. These products improve the efficiency of car wash equipment , but leave toxic residues on surfaces of vehicles, as they help to remove dirt.

This is the reason why most trusted provider recommends , with green chemicals along with their washes. These products are derived from plants and vegetables and contains a single toxic substance.

How to Start a Mobile Car Wash?

Many people have considered a mobile car wash . Want to mount a mobile car wash ? You see, a mobile car wash is a very simple business .

For example Considère that on the first day , God made the earth . Certainly , the idea that God created the heavens and the earth. Finally , approached Henry Ford and mass production of the automobile, and then something magical happens , all the dirt is how cars and therefore a new business, the car wash .

It makes sense to tap into this lucrative business because there are many cars in the United States of America. In fact, there are over 250 million cars in the United States alone.

Someone has to wash all the cars and people who own cars usually too busy to clean their own cars .

If you want to start a mobile car wash , then it makes sense for those offices in which they work, van and car washed while they sit in the parking lot all day . After collecting their money and go home with the cash. Sounds like a good deal right?

Well , it's just , it's very hard work , and most people can not handle the long days of washing between 20 and 60 cars, but if you think you can handle, they will work or who want to be thin , such both a mobile car wash right for you business. Consider this in 2006.

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Car Wash Equipment and System Strategies

With the recent developments in the economy, many owners of car wash systems with emphasis on cost-effective ways to attract new customers and keep existing ones. There are several strategies that can be used in marketing or promoting a car wash . Most homeowners are familiar with banners , posters and advertising in the newspaper. But community involvement, customer appreciation , product education and face to face are also great ways to market.

SUPPORT wash your car WITH signs and banners
Banners are an inexpensive way to get a new message. For example , as an owner , it is your responsibility , the addition of a wax polish to a high-end triple - foam Bay to promote automatic or self-service bays. A Banner 3 'x 8 ' Vinyl can be as little as $ 150. Depending on the complexity of the company logo and graphics , in addition to scale these costs. Continuing with something simple - for example, " our new triple - Foam Polish " - and the use of a three or four colors costs about $ 200 per banner.

What is a flag that companies will increase ? The news of a banner attracts attention and generates interest of consumers, especially when potential new customers to spend. If the current position , they do not support the function are highlighted in the banner be intrigued to try it . Properly place the flag is critical. With more potential customers passing by seeing the new flag as possible is the goal.

Existing customers would both educate adequate signage and marketing of the service selection bay. Self-service car wash must have placed the following characters in each field.

First Primary signage should be user menus . The menu should apply a brief description of the products and how the products .

Two . Secondary signs new teams have been added , such as a dryer in the bay , triple foam polish, and tire wear will be emphasized . Based on the number of functions that the user menus will range from $ 50 to $ 125 per bay range in cost . Secondary characters such as triple - foam polish and tire dressing range from $ 20 to $ 35 per sign. Note that excessive use of signage in their bays can be confusing for customers.

It can be overwhelming to see a client when pulling into a bay , the entire wall covered with different signs . In addition, customers can not be seen in the position changes or new products. During the installation of new signals or marketing statement , review of existing signs , determine the meaning of each , and if one of them could be eliminated. Remember , the goal is to market and promote the new features and / or changes.

IN - BAY automatic washing SYSTEM
Within the automatic bay , some areas of opportunity . The proper use of banners, menu boards and signs WindMaster help increase can adjust the volume of washing and average ticket prices. As in the case of self-service car wash at any time a property as a year-round protection Admitted - Ant, wheel cleaner , polish or triple - foam sure you create banners for conscious customers and depend exchange. Also be sure to place the flags in a visible location to customers over.

Define your car wash packages presents another chance. A menu board , to help customers understand the differences between each package. If the customer does not know what the advantage of the high-end package , he or she will not be willing to pay for it. If the customer stopped at an ATM and go to this menu (bottom left) , which information is available to be the right choice ? Looking to the next menu (bottom right ), you can see that each wash package is clearly defined.

Customers can see what the top package to offer that they made ​​it possible to make an informed decision . This not only promotes a higher average ticket , but also repeat business. Customers get what they expect and do not let yourself feel deceived washing .

Ideally, this menu should be attached to or printed on a sticker for your ATM. Other options include printing the menu as an insert for a sign holder WINDMASTER driveway or wall mount unit . Select the option that . The menu to the nearest ATM and customer perspective Saves area

In recent years, the auto industry - service has many improvements to seen the look and function of the car wash meter boxes specially . Boxes as standard eight meters are replaced with 10 and up to 12 functions. The boxes are put credit card readers , bill acceptors and fleet card systems. Really know , given the size of these changes on the computer , not the customer how to use them correctly ? More importantly, do not understand their benefits ? As an owner , what to do to market changes and to promote ?

Many homeowners spend countless dollars to upgrade equipment at the sites , but too short in educating the customers face to face . If customers do not understand the changes , it will be less likely to try them. Even with the sign with instructions , a small number of customers is to avoid new products. This is a great opportunity to educate and develop personal relationships with customers.

It can be a bit of sound, but the time spent in washing to educate customers about product benefits and the proper use , is priceless. For example, an owner of the wash to spend money to upgrade your package to include Drying Systems Bay -bay. Install units , signs with directions , and months later you feel bad because you do not see higher profits as advertised. Where did it go wrong? Also, do not underestimate the advantage of entering a bay and drop a few coins in the meter box to demonstrate the proper use and function of a new product. The time to the physical education of your customers is devoted to the time that future equity. Not to mention, as the owner of a self-service , while the goal is the customer to sell. Most of the features used in each visit , more time in the bay - and thus increasing sales.

IN - BAY Equipment Manufacturing
With automatic in the bay , the task is more difficult. It never hurts , but to help customers evaluate their choice while waiting in line. Offering a free upgrade to the next or the best package available . Note the differences between the packages and why get value of the top of the package . With the current state of the economy customers more interested in will be their vehicles. Explain how packets washing high-end to maintain the surface of the car is a must.

CAR WASH Customer Review
Another easy way to get your laundry is a promotion of customer appreciation event. This annual event is to thank regular customers are focused on trying to attract new customers. Typically, the events during the weekend and offer customers low prices wash instead . Be sure to provide refreshments such as soda, popcorn and hot dogs. Not to complicate the event , just keep it simple and focus on face -to- face with customers and show your appreciation.

Many get car wash owners to engage with their communities. Participation in groups or local Rotary children can help promote the flushing by the club . Committed to long-term customers are often in local fundraising group involved . The association with these groups can help drive normal labor . People are willing to those who help back to the community. Volunteering a wash a local fundraising is a diamond in the rough . In the short term it is possible that a decline in the wash a few dollars for chemicals and associated costs . Long-term fund-raising will be based on new customers who have not tried under normal circumstances , wash . Secondly, you support a good cause and help the community . With economic times, it is as hard as it is to their community to go a long way toward increasing business and build a loyal customer base.

Marketing a self-service , will continue to develop an automatic car wash as new washes itself , parts, systems and services are introduced and new conveyor technology emerging. In this article we have only scratched the surface of this topic powerful and widely discussed . At the end of the day , each opportunity and effort is put into promoting and marketing your washing a good investment.

samedi 14 décembre 2013

Washing Your Car Without Water

In these times of drought and strict regulations with water to wash the car , it has always been difficult for people to be able to maintain their vehicles with a conventional hose and bucket technique . For gear heads , this can be a difficult thing to deal with because we hate our cars there, all dirty and covered in dirt.

A waterless car wash - happiness, car care companies already have a product to solve this problem developed. They claim that you can safely and without scratching your entire vehicle paint and wash everything with a single drop of water.

Can we do this safely without scratching the paint ?

For this to work , you need a lot of microfiber towels , depending on vehicle size maybe 5-10 towels , especially if your car is filthy .

It has two towels on hand at all times , one to remove dirt and the other to dry the excess free water mixture. Start with the roof , spray a generous amount of wash solution without water on the surface and let it sit for a bit to loosen dirt . With his first microfiber towel , wipe in a straight line saturated part . Back and forth not to go, you just have to run it dirt. take your second microfiber cloth to clean the excess cleaner and dirt.

Want this procedure, a section at a time until finished. Do not forget to clean the wheels , without water spray cleaner on the wheels and then wipe with a separate cloth.

This works very well to remove dirt and grime of light in the car. I'm not too interested in this in a very dirty car as it runs the risk of scratching the paint , although manufacturers claim otherwise . With optimal washing rinse it not be a better choice for this.

It would be very hard to prevent scratches to the use of this product in a very dirty car can have a lot of dirt in the paint problem and scratches in the process, so be very careful when cleaning dirt.

Finally , you can use this for light to medium soiled vehicles. Still I have my doubts about using this at the height of the car very dirty because of the risk of painting. For gear heads can this be a problem with you. Let me know what you think.

Why Go For a Waterless Car Wash?

Through the many years , people are using the car primarily for transporting from one place to another , and use it as one of the biggest investments they had, and people want to become real by this investment.

The good news is you can now wash your car without water , which means no buckets, hoses and no wasted water ! In a simple and clean car wash without water spray application gently lifts dirt to clean , polish , wax , seal, shine and protection for your vehicle. In contrast to the traditional method of your car wash, car wash water dissolves dirt and grime that does not need much effort to grind dirt continues to have concerns about the residue left on the windows.

You can protect your car form the rest of the acid rain , repair restore oxidized paint , feathers scratches and adds a layer of protection from harmful UV rays. It is also full of minor swirl marks , get the new car a bright outdoor or eliminate the need to paint a new old car.

Never before cars were imported this way . This innovative way of protecting the cars came in handy . At current prices of raw materials are increasing including cars, old cars are better than nothing . You just have to wash your car without water to make the coating more time .

In addition to cleaning and brilliant benefits , these products help car wash without water are also water conservation , another precious commodity .

This revolutionary alternative car wash at home is very versatile and safe to use . Your satisfaction is guaranteed our money back promise 100 %.

vendredi 13 décembre 2013

Using a Steam Cleaner For Your Car and Home

Maintaining a clean engine is very important for the life of the car is extended. , The cleaning of the motor car , however, is no easy task, but involves careful cleaning and sometimes appropriate to run it perfectly chemicals. A misstep can cause damage to vital engine parts. For those who are not open to the procedures involved in the use of a steam cleaner , it may be best to turn the auto - cleaning professional achievement.

But for those who are learning the cleaning process by a steam cleaner car, especially for cars that are very dirty, always want to remember the following important tips :

To use the choice of the detergent , always to the car manual. There are car manufacturers who have their own line of car cleaning products that are specifically made for car engines . Very often, these detergents evaporate quickly and are much safer than the use of tap water. Always consult the product manual before cleaning agents this .

Before starting the cleaning process , make sure the car is far from water sources. If possible , bring a car wash shop that has equipment for waste water treatment. This is to ensure that dirt and grime engine is their way to safe drinking water and other fields, find the not ecologically balanced .
Before cleaning , make sure that the parts that are important , are widely covered to avoid spillage of liquid on them and cause damage. Newer cars contain sensitive electronic components and is therefore very important to protect them from steam cleaning .
Cable terminal of the battery . Connected to the negative and positive
Remember, though, that a steam cleaner uses high pressure water. Most electronic components of the car has , the more cautious you should be. If you are unsure , there are always other ways of cleaning your car.

However, there are some very effective steam cleaner that you can buy that are simple and relatively safe to use in your car. You can also useful in areas , garden areas are used both in your home and terrace . These steam cleaners can cope with kitchens, bathrooms, tiles, carpets , floors and furniture, as well as generally effective difficult to clean items such as outdoor barbecues and grills . They are also particularly useful for automotive engine steam cleaning , chrome accessories and interior car upholstery and carpets . Effective use of steam instead of harsh chemicals can to do this in an environmentally friendly way of cleaning and thus help protect our environment.

Are you looking for information on how to use a steam cleaner car, to help and to keep your car clean?

You can find further information on effectively cleaning your house , for example by using a vacuum robot to find around your house .

Waterless Car Washes: Top 10 Benefits of Using Them

Think you cleanse with waterless car wash and shine your vehicle? If you do not want to spend hours washing and waxing your vehicle can water-containing cleaning products wax be a lifesaver . If you do skeptical about the use of washing without water, because I think not as effective as anything to be the traditional way , explore the following top 10 benefits of using a product all - in-one .

First Save 20 to 50 liters of water per vehicle

Where washing as Quic Shine 99 without water IBIZ is used, you do not have to use a single drop of water to wash the car . To save not only the waterless car cleaning water, but also save money on your water bill .

Two . The surface of your vehicle clean with no damage

Formulas car wash without water usually contain a mixture of specialty lubricants and cleaners that lift and surround dirt particles. So you can clean the surface of your vehicle clean with no scratches .

Three . Leave a protective coating on your car in three easy steps

With waterless car cleaning , you can clean your car and leave a protective finish in three easy steps : spray , wipe and polish. All you have to do is spray on formula , let soak for a few minutes , clean the affected area and then buff it . How's that for easy?

April . Remove more than just dirt

Waterless car wash removes more than dirt. You can also use it to remove insects , tree sap , road tar and scuff marks to leave your car looking spick- and-span .

May Save time

If a product is used without water to wash and wax your car, it will save a lot of time . The whole process of washing and waxing your car with a formula without water usually takes about 30 minutes. On the other hand, if you wash and wax your car in the traditional way , it could take hours of your precious time .

6th Protect the environment

Wash your car in the driveway with a hose is very harmful to the environment could do. Water leaks out of the car if you wash them in water with aggressive chemical cleaners , car, plus gas, oil and residues from exhaust fumes. All of which goes directly into storm drains and eventually into our lakes , rivers and seas . You can reduce their environmental footprint dramatically by waterless car wash .

7th Save over $ 300 per car, per year

You can , if a car to save your car at home and even more cleaning product without water money when washing. When you consider the amount you would not save by buying a bucket of car care products and use the water not that adds .

8th Create long -lasting shine and protection

Waterless wash and wax products create long-lasting shine . In fact, the best products create a protective layer , the water beads for up to three months and protect your car emissions catalysts , tar, insects, road grime , salt and bird droppings .

9th Use it to other household goods

Wash and wax - All-in -One also has a lot of domestic use . Some brands can be used to clean everything from shower enclosures for ceiling fans in your home. Avoid detergents waterless car in textured surfaces , leather and vinyl .

10th Easy to apply

Compared to traditional car wax, car wash are much easier without water to apply your car, as they come in liquid form and in an aerosol can.