The Carwash market in the United States is changing rapidly , in fact . Currently, the most common type of car wash is are the ones at gas stations, where a wash ticket and drive through with your car and make sure all the Windows mini - storm of wind cleaned as wound like Hurricane Rita all the dirt. Depending on the market , it's safe to say that one in five service stations in large DMA 280 is in four or one this kind of car wash. In rural states , the average of one in seven seems to be .
Most car wash businesses , in addition to the oil companies are sole proprietorships with one to five car washes. For large consolidation company or the emergence of a national brand that is really wide open, because there are only a few of the regional actors in the full-service side of the industry fixed location. The top car wash consolidators are not market leaders , although some regional hegemony . Nevertheless, there are less than 200 units in the top five players . Not even a drop in the ocean .
Man is about to be inundated with the largest grouping in Houston since Hurricane Rita , but then could be a stroke of sheer luck of benefits , as it was after tropical storm Allison . Some industrial capitalist business or entrepreneur has to organize , adapt and conquer this market , unfortunately, no one really understands.
There are some smart players , but they seem to have separated and not all the different regional markets that are very unique to understand. The U.S. is very diverse, what you are to do well in Georgia or Alabama , not even fly in Denver CO and forget Southern California, one of the best and hottest markets with car wash against seasonal components due to the weather . Here are some ideas to be universal U.S. markets carwash, who still seem to be very similar regardless of region .
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